This programme of study is also offered on a full-time basis. Please consult the Registrar's website for more information pertaining to courses offered by the University.
The course is presently offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. It consists of a research-based Master, with 10 ECTS credits awarded for lecture-based work and 80 ECTS credits for the student's thesis. The lecture-based study-units are aimed towards providing you with the advanced research techniques required for the writing of a Master-level thesis. All areas relating to libraries, archives, other forms of information-providing institutions and related issues are considered as topics for research by the Department's Board of Studies. A list of areas of specialisation by the full-time academic members of the department is available on the department's webpage.
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Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2) | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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LIA5900* | Dissertation | 80 ECTS   |   | ||
* Work on the dissertation is expected to start in semester 1 of academic year 2024-25 and continue up to the end of semester 2 of academic year 2026-27.   |
This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts - M.A. - under the auspices of the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences.